Peter Carlson Joins Lifespark to Tackle Emergency Room Overuse by Bringing Urgent Response Services to Seniors at Home

June 25  

Integrated into Value-Based Product, Lifespark COMPLETE, Serving Seniors With A Complete Senior Health Experience

MINNEAPOLIS, MN — June 25, 2024 — Peter Carlson, a leader in mobile acute care, has joined Lifespark as Vice President, Acute Response Services. He will apply his nearly 20 years’ experience in paramedicine and health care management by building the architecture for an Urgent Response Service (URS) into Lifespark’s flagship product, Lifespark COMPLETE.

“High utilization of the hospital system continues to have a rippling effect on the work we and others in health care face. The biggest area of over usage can be found in the emergency room (ER) where more than 50% of visits are unnecessary,” explained Carlson. “For seniors, especially, visiting the ER shouldn’t be the default alternative when issues arise in between provider visits and yet, it is.”

Community paramedicine and mobile integrated health have been around for over 10 years. More recently, there’s been growing market demand to integrate ER or more urgent-level care into value-based efforts. “In my experience, the work being done within value-based care has shown greater success in keeping people home and avoiding unnecessary and unplanned ER visits,” said Joel Theisen, BSN, RN, Lifespark CEO. “For Lifespark, it’s a natural integration to what we provide within our Lifespark COMPLETE product bringing ER-level support to members in their home. From a complete senior health experience perspective, focusing on preventing unnecessary ER or hospital visits is a key area we can influence.”

According to Carlson, the true differentiator of Lifespark’s Urgent Response Services (URS) is the ability to know the member. “With ER and urgent care clinics, the providers don’t often know the senior or have time to ask the deep questions that matter, but we do,” said Carlson. “Most importantly, URS is already part of the COMPLETE team which means we have already established a trusted relationship and know the members’ contingency plan – the actions they prefer in advance of an urgent need.”

As emergency rooms across the United States continue to hit capacity along with an increased trend in ER boarding as the senior population continues to grow at rapid rates, the addition of URS fills a much-needed gap for Minnesota seniors. “This isn’t about ER avoidance,” said Carlson. “We know that seniors often can be better served at home where we become the eyes and ears. We want the ER to be used for true emergencies and support how we as a state, and country, address the overuse that is currently happening. The focus shouldn’t be on measuring days in the hospital seniors but measuring how often they aren’t. I’m excited to put my expertise and passion towards solving this.”

Lifespark’s Urgent Response Team can provide 80% of what is done in the ER at home. “From x-rays, lab work, and EKGs, to sutures, our team of LPNs, RNs, and community paramedics can keep seniors out of the hospital through in-person visits including telehealth options, and support transitions to the hospital if it’s needed,” shared Carlson.

Carlson added, “It’s an honor and a privilege to be invited into a person’s home. While we take their blood pressure and check oxygen, we are also talking about their families, what they’ve eaten lately and favorite recipes, or if they caught the ball game last night. It’s much better than waiting in an ER for 6+ hours exposing them to more things that can cause harm. It’s one of the main reasons that drew me to Lifespark, putting humanity back into how we deliver health in a person’s home. It’s why I do what I do.”

Before joining Lifespark, Carlson was Chief of Paramedicine for Medically Home, Community Paramedic Coordinator/Operations Manager for Mayo Clinic, and Community Paramedic Administrator for North Memorial Health. He holds a Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Finance from Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota, a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Healthcare Management from the same university, and a degree in Community Paramedicine from Hennepin Technical College.

About Lifespark
Lifespark, formerly Lifesprk, is a complete senior health company headquartered in St. Louis Park, Minnesota. We help people stay healthy, navigate their health options with confidence, and ultimately live fuller, more independent lives as they age.

Lifespark’s global risk model is proven to reduce total cost and improve outcomes. It provides a flexible, home- based delivery system that meets clients where they are using an integrated tech platform that seamlessly combines capabilities, data, and client experience. This scalable approach has few fixed costs and a clear path to grow. For more on Lifespark, visit:

About Lifespark COMPLETE(TM)
Lifespark’s flagship program brings together everything Lifespark has to offer—our whole-person, life-sparking approach, 24/7 access to Everyday Support, a dedicated advisor to guide seniors and their family, expert in-home geriatric medical care, and full coordination of services and resources, brought right to their door.

With Lifespark COMPLETE, seniors get more at no additional cost through participating insurance plans—more guidance, more support, more cost-saving options, and more control over their lives. Learn more:


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