What does it mean to be a leader?
In simple terms, a leader is one who casts a vision that other people follow; to be a positive leader is altogether different. A positive leader is one who considers the needs and values of others as a vision is constructed. They share wins with a team that delivers results and help bear responsibility when a team needs to fail fast. Their inspiration empowers people to do good work and will be long lasting, even once they depart their role.
How has the definition of a leader changed during your career?
I used to believe that leaders were defined by age or title. Over time, I have learned that you can lead from wherever you are within an organization — despite one’s age — by being inspirational, producing results, and demonstrating integrity.
How do you relax/decompress?
I brunch EVERY Sunday! I have established two brunch clubs – one in DC and another in Minneapolis.
I love live music of every genre; the melodies soothe my soul. I usually attend at least one live music event per month. I also recently joined a Board with the MN Orchestra to ensure that I can share my love of music with others.
When traveling, I try to check out the local museums. It provides me with a greater appreciation of the culture and the people.
What are your goals for the upcoming year?
My word for the year is FEARLESS. FEAR is defined as “False Evidence Appearing Real.” I won’t allow imaginary barriers to block my success or opportunities.
As a professional, I will be FEARLESS by raising courageous conversations, making difficult decisions, building meaningful relationships, and asking for opportunities that scare me.
In my personal life, I will be FEARLESS when planning my financial investments, maintaining my health, and when trying new adventures.
At all times, I will be FEARLESS by bringing 100 percent of my authentic self to everything and with everyone.
What do you enjoy most about the Medical Alley community?
Imagine a community where you are surrounded by bright minds, stimulating conversations, and cutting edge thought-leaders…who all happen to be relatable and advocates of creating a better world through health care. Insert Medical Alley!
What is the last great film you watched or the last great book you read?
The best movie I saw last year was “I am Not Your Negro” — a documentary on James Baldwin. It was fascinating to see how his experiences shaped his works which have recently become popular again. I was also impressed by his unapologetic boldness given the challenges he faced in the Jim Crow South.
I am currently reading a book titled, “A Signal and A Noise” by Nate Silver. In short, it discusses how one can use data to determine the predictability of particular outcomes. It’s an intriguing read because it demonstrates how fallible one’s predictions may be – despite having data — based on desired outcomes or reliance on historical events that don’t quite parallel a current situation.
Favorite business quotes?
“Growth and comfort will never co-exist.” Ginni Rometty, CEO IBM
“Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.” Winston Churchill
“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Maya Angelou