Governor Walz Announces Support for Reinstating Angel Tax Credit
With release of his first budget just over a week away, Governor Walz publicly announced that he will propose reinstating the Angel Investment Tax Credit. The Governor said he supports this credit because it is important for Minnesota’s competitiveness and for keeping cutting edge businesses growing here in Medical Alley.
We are thankful Governor Walz recognizes the importance of the Angel Investment Tax Credit! A report published last year by Medical Alley Association identified this credit as a critical piece of realizing the vision of Medical Alley being global epicenter of health innovation and care. In addition, reinstating the Angel Investment Tax Credit is a key element of Medical Alley Association’s 2019 State Legislative Agenda.
We look forward to working with Governor Walz, Lt. Governor Flanagan, and House and Senate leaders on getting reinstatement of the Angel Investment Tax Credit across the finish line and signed into law this year.
Thank you for your support Governor!
In Session With Medical Alley – Representative Liz Olson
In Session with Medical Alley hopes to familiarize legislators and the Medical Alley community with each other. This week’s on camera interview features Representative Liz Olson (DFL- Duluth). With a background in advocacy and two years in the minority laying groundwork with legislators from both sides of the aisle, Representative Olson gained valuable experience which lead her colleagues to appoint her to 1 of 3 leadership roles, Majority Whip for the MN House Democrats. She is a face to recognize and name we should get to know. Keep your eyes out this legislative session as she tackles on some of the biggest issues at the Capitol.
Join me in getting to know your legislator, Representative Liz Olson of Duluth.
Medical Alley Association Submits Formal Comment on Burden Reduction in Health IT
Late last year, the Office of the National Coordinator (ONC) for Health Information Technology issued a draft strategy for reducing clinician burden as it relates to health IT. The strategy recommended a series of changes that enable clinicians to benefit from health IT, while producing benefits for patients and the healthcare system overall. You can read the draft report here.
Medical Alley Association submitted a comment urging the implementation of public policies and regulations encouraging the adoption of advanced analytics and relevant API so clinicians can turn the data they collect into actionable information that will result in lower costs and better outcomes for patients. Far too often, data is collected and never used to benefit patients. EHR vendors can make it very challenging for healthcare organizations to take data in their system and turn it into actionable information, which underscores the need for greater investment in interoperability solutions. You can read the full comment here.
We will continue monitoring, and keeping you up to date on, the development of this and other federal strategies and rules throughout the coming months.
Lilly’s Legislative Life

We have come to the point in session where bills are cruising through committees, while more and more bills are still getting introduced. If you had a chance to stop by either of the House or Senate Chambers this week you may have been a bit confused, thinking you were at a concert waiting for the band’s autograph. Nope, that crowd was just a group of lobbyists attempting to fill their bill jackets up with signatures before dropping it in the hopper. And yes, I was one of those fan girls patiently waiting outside of the chamber because its that time of year where everyone needs their bills to make first deadline. These next few weeks will lay the groundwork for what session will look like – which bills will make it through to the end and which will have better luck next year.
This week will be no different with meeting after meeting, and committee hearing after committee hearing, all on top of the Governor’s budget release. Week 7 calls for lots of caffeine and comfy shoes. See you next week.