The Medical Alley Venture Report is a quarterly analysis of investment, M&A and other factors driving growth in Medical Alley®, the epicenter of health innovation and care®.
The Q3 2023 report includes information on:
- Medical Alley Starts & Global highlights
- Private and public markets activity
- SBIR/STTR funding
- Job growth in Medical Alley
Key takeaways:
- Despite continued market uncertainty, Medical Alley companies are on pace to raise the third most venture capital Dollars since tracking began in 2012.
- Medical Alley is outperforming many major startup hubs. YTD, Medical Alley companies raised the third most venture capital per capita in the U.S., behind only California and Massachusetts.
- In terms of Q3/2023 only, VC activity was expectedly slower than in Q1/Q2, but there was an uptick in the number of transactions in the public markets (6) and M&A transactions (9).
- Medical Alley companies also secured almost $22 million in SBIR/STTR funding, the highest since tracking began in 2012.