State of Minnesota Answers Medical Equipment Inventory FAQ

March 24  

Updated: 3/24/20

(1) Does my organization need to conduct an inventory and submit the results by March 25, 2020?

You need to submit an inventory if you possess any PPE (personal protective equipment) that are not required for the provision of critical health care services or essential services and were not produced by your organization for the purpose of sale and/or if you possess a ventilator.

More specifically, you need to submit an inventory unless you:

  • a)  are a hospital,
  • b)  already provide an inventory of equipment through MnTrac,
  • c)  are not in possession of any PPE or ventilators,
  • d)  do not possess a ventilator and only possess PPE that is required for the provision of critical health care services or other essential services requiring such equipment, or
  • e)  do not possess a ventilator and only have PPE that you have produced for the purpose of sale.

(2) Does completing the inventory mean I will be asked to donate or sell my PPE to the state?

Not necessarily. The purpose of the inventory is to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the supply of PPE across the state. Submitting your inventory does not necessarily mean you will be asked to provide your PPE for use elsewhere. If you are not providing an essential service, you may be asked to donate or sell your PPE to help Minnesota health care workers if need arises.

(3) What types of activities qualify as essential services?

Examples of essential services include medical manufacturing, wastewater treatment plants, agriculture, food processing, public works, public safety, and researchers doing essential analysis or R&D to protect human health and the environment. All critical health care services also qualify as essential.

(4) My organization uses PPE for both essential services and non-essential services. Do we need to submit the results of our inventory?
Yes, you need to complete the inventory unless all the PPE in your possession is required for essential services or critical health care services. If you have more PPE than you anticipate needing in the near future, please complete the inventory and consider donating it for use in the delivery of critical health care services.

(5) Where can I donate large quantities of PPE (more than 500 pieces)?

Donations of more than 500 pieces can be delivered to the Salvation Army, Northern Division Headquarters in Roseville, MN (location below).

The Salvation Army, Northern Division Headquarters
2445 Prior Avenue
Roseville, MN
Upon arrival, go the Receptionist.

Additional donation sites are being sited. Please check for further updates.

(6) Where can I donate small quantities of PPE (fewer than 500 pieces)?

Please consider donating to a local drop site or donation center or contact your county’s emergency manager to learn where to donate. Please do not go the Salvation Army drop site unless you have more than 500 pieces so as not to overwhelm staff.

(7) What if I have other products or services I want to donate?

Businesses and individuals with offers of other products in large quantities and services can submit information using this form. Thank you. Someone will reach out to you if those products or services become needed. For small quantities of PPE or other materials, homemade PPE, or other small donations please instead look to your local donation sites or contact your county’s emergency manager so as not to overwhelm staff.


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