Via Predictive Health Partners
We are very excited to be launching an innovative telehealth paid pilot program for a client to help predict and prevent adverse drug events (ADEs) among their 100,000 members. We have become a nation of the over-prescribed, also known as polypharmacy.
If we could reduce the rate of ADEs by 50%, we would prevent about 2.3 million hospitalizations, saving 74,000 lives and $30 billion, and reduce the number of outpatient visits for ADEs by 37 million between 2020 and 20301.
This has economic benefits to their members, who are predominantly school teachers, and like many, may be unknowingly paying for unnecessary and expensive prescriptions. It also saves our client on Rx costs and potential medical costs creating a win/win scenario. With our client’s input, an algorithm was created to identify a group of higher health risk individuals who we will conduct a 30 minute medication review. There is a cash incentive provided for participants. We are working closely with our strategic partner, CHC Health, to provide the telephonic medication therapy reviews with their licensed PharmD experts.
We will begin to contact the initial group and conduct 500 med reviews to help them save money while improving their health. Once we complete the pilot and an ROI is established, we expect to continue on a real-time basis with the rest. With so many individuals delaying chronic care appointments due to COVID-19, this is an opportune time to reach out and fill that gap. More on this next month.
Our prescription savings solution soft launch
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and economic downturn, we have made the decision to roll out our Prescription Savings solution ahead of launching it within the Benjamin™ app. This is an immediate way we can help American consumers save money on their prescriptions at a time when every single person is feeling the financial effects of this crisis. We’ve been testing this solution since last October. In just six months, our employees and friends have saved an average of $166.25 per prescription. Please watch for more to come later this week via our various social media platforms like LinkedIn. Download it, try it, save some money, and help us spread the word. Also, we’d like to share that every dollar we make on this soft launch will be donated to Doctors Without Borders.
The Medical Alley Association is providing COVID-19 related information, including the “COVID-19 Resource Connect” feature on its website and summaries of laws, executive orders, and government programs that may be of interest to members, as a public service. The Medical Alley Association makes no representations, guarantees, or warranties as to the accuracy, completeness, currency, or suitability of the COVID-19 related information provided by the Medical Alley Association on its website, in newsletters, or in any other communications. The Medical Alley Association specifically disclaims any and all liability for any claims or damages that may result from providing COVID-19 related information online or in other communications or linking to third party websites or other sources of information. The Medical Alley Association makes no effort to independently verify, and does not exert editorial control over, information provided by third parties.
The Medical Alley Association does not endorse any of the products, vendors, consultants, or documentation referenced in, or connected to parties through, the COVID-19 Resource Connect feature or via email or other communications.