Via Star Tribune
“Maplewood-based 3M’s team is helping ferret out fraudulent suppliers or products. Target helped the state develop a web-based tool that can help businesses track the health of their workforce.”
“And Bloomington-based filtration giant Donaldson Co. and St. Paul-based Ecolab are helping with supply chain expertise.”
“‘We view our best opportunity to help is with N95 masks,’ said Donaldson spokesman Brad Pogalz. ‘We have assigned members of our highly talented procurement, operations and technical teams to identify suppliers, qualify the product and ultimately source N95 masks for people in Minnesota.'”
“During a news conference last week, Walz said that the company participants also include Toro, Polaris, Patterson Cos., Mayo Clinic and Target.”
“The effort began last month when Walz reached out to Baker, who is an executive committee member of the Minnesota Business Partnership. Baker called on partnership members to volunteer and soon had the group of corporate leaders lending staff, resources and supply contacts to the state’s effort.”
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