Mayo Clinic’s coronavirus research task force is in a desperate race against time

May 4  

Via Star Tribune

“On the fifth floor of Mayo’s nearly century-old Plummer Building in Rochester, this ambitious project has taken shape over the past seven weeks. Think of it as Mayo’s pandemic version of the Manhattan Project, the World War II effort to build the first atomic bomb: a sudden and relentless race against time, with scientists furiously researching as millions of lives around the world hang in the balance.”

“Badley holes up in a conference room alongside his co-chair, Amanda Mikhail, an operations administrator in research — the business-side yin to Badley’s scientific yang. Two whiteboards are filled with Mayo’s active COVID-19 drug trials; Mayo, with pharmaceutical partners, has already activated or will soon activate nine separate COVID-19 drug trials. They’ve pored over more than 500 research proposals and approved, as of last week, 109, ranging from ideas for vaccines to studies on how certain populations combat the virus, from ways to recycle masks to ways to better provide oxygen to patients, from research on community response to studies on outcomes of recovered patients.”

“This war room is the first point of contact for proposals — Mayo physicians and researchers were told in March to e-mail ideas directly to the duo — and where the research is ultimately approved. But approval comes only after passing through experts in each field.”

Meet Dr. Andrew Badley and learn how his career researching HIV treatments prepared him for rush to find a treatment for COVID-19


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