Via Minneapolis-St. Paul Business Journal
“The Well Living Lab, located adjacent to the Mayo Clinic campus in Rochester, Minn., will use sensor technology in a configurable office space to discover techniques for reducing the spread of respiratory viruses in an office setting, the Mayo announced Monday. The research will be aided by conducting field studies at the corporate offices of Cushman & Wakefield, Hines and Delos. “
“Well Living Lab researchers will focus on how best to reduce air particulates, decontaminate surfaces, use thermal screening at building entrances, as well as tracking employee performance, emotional resiliency and satisfaction.”
“’The Well Living Lab is uniquely positioned to bring together building and health sciences expertise and technologies to generate and disseminate discoveries,’ said Dr. Veronique Roger, Well Living Lab Director of Research and Mayo Clinic cardiologist. ‘This knowledge will help prepare the world for post Covid-19 safe environments in office and other settings.’”
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