Via 4Sight Health
“The Zipnosis platform categorizes patients completing the 11 COVID-related questions into five risk groups. Of the 192,915 patients screened in March:”
- 14% were asymptomatic/low risk with no need for an in-person visit or test.
- 7.5% were asymptomatic/high risk.
- 4.3% were asymptomatic but had exposure risk.
- 7.5% had a cough only.
- 66.6% were symptomatic.
“This is valuable information not just for patients and care providers but also for policy makers combatting COVID-19. With the right analytics and tools, such data creates insights that can save lives and resources.”
“Carrot Health, another Minneapolis-based health IT company, applies structured data and predictive analytics to assess COVID-19 exposure risk at the county level, nationwide.”
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