Gerhardt was CEO of Medical Alley from 2001 to 2010. During his tenure, Don expanded Medical Alley’s membership to nearly 400 firms, merged with MNBIO to support the state’s growing biotech community, and recruited Dale Wahlstrom, his eventual successor, to lead the BioBusiness Alliance of Minnesota, a statewide effort to grow the bioeconomy.
Dale Wahlstrom, CEO of Medical Alley from 2011 to 2016 shared, “Don was a visionary person who could always see the possibilities in every situation he encountered. His positive attitude, networking skills and strong value system were unmatched and played a major role in building what is now the Medical Alley Organization. Our entire community is benefiting today from Don’s work and is an important part of his legacy. For me he was a mentor, coach, confidant, and friend. He will be greatly missed.”
Before Medical Alley Association, Gerhardt led the Vermont Health Plan and MedCenters Health Plan, and worked for Park Nicollet. Gerhardt was well known in Canada as a Defensive End for the 1966 Gray Cup Champion Saskatchewan Roughriders.