Q-rounds™️ Partners with M Health Fairview System to Launch Real-Time Rounding Technology at Masonic Children’s Hospital

 // News

May 11  

Minneapolis, MN (May 11th, 2023) — Q-rounds, a real-time rounding technology that informs
families when to expect the doctor for rounds, announced today that M Health Fairview, in
partnership with the University of Minnesota’s Center for Learning Health System Sciences, is
launching at Masonic Children’s Hospital.

The launch is part of a 12-week research study aimed at examining the effectiveness of the
Q-rounds™️ application on key performance indicators (KPIs) related to family-centered rounding,
including patient satisfaction, staff satisfaction, and communication among healthcare
professionals, patients, and their families. The study will also evaluate the overall efficiency
and effectiveness of the rounding process. The results of the full study will be announced at a
later date. Pre-intervention results confirm the problem Q-rounds is aiming to solve, showing
that hospital rounds occur without the family being present 80% of the time.

“We are thrilled to partner with M Health Fairview to launch our Q-rounds application at
Masonic Children’s hospital,” said Mike Pitt M.D, CEO of Q-rounds. “We have long known that
having parents and nurses present for rounds leads to better outcomes for patients, and we are
excited to have a solution that helps make this happen by giving families real-time updates on when to expect the doctor and gives them an option to join round remotely if they can’t make it
in person.”

Mike and his team of co-founders created Q-rounds to solve a problem that they’ve each experienced.

“As a dad, I’ve been the one waiting at the bedside in the hospital not knowing if I could get a cup of coffee for fear of missing the doctor, and as a pediatrician, I’m often on the other side faced with the challenge of missing families for rounds. We are excited to bring everyone together for the most important conversation of each day in the hospital.”

About Q-rounds
Q-rounds™️ is an AI-powered virtual Queue, providing Time Transparency™️ for families on when
to expect the doctor for daily inpatient rounds. We use digital technology to improve the
healthcare experience for patients, their families, and clinicians. To learn more about the value
Q-rounds offers, watch this video, visit Q-rounds or follow us on LinkedIn.

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