Plymouth Company Plays Crucial Role in COVID-19 Treatment

March 30  

Via CCX Media

“Since the demand for Nonin’s products spiked, Golden Valley-based Medical Alley has played an integral role in not only help helping their supply chain issues, but the supply chain issues facing Minnesota’s other med tech companies as well.”

“’We see countries around the world starting to move to shut down, and some of our members have plants or supply chain in those countries,’ said Shaye Mandle, the president & CEO of Medical Alley. “’In some cases, it might be their only critical supply chain, and they’re making products that are coming to the U.S. and need to be on the front lines.’”

“Mandle and his team work with the federal government, and Minnesota’s congressional delegation, to help get those international resources in the hands of local medical device companies.”

“‘If we don’t have one part, we can’t build, so making sure our supply chain is protected is incredible,’ Hemink said. ‘Medical Alley has been phenomenal for us, and I can’t say enough about the team over there as far as their proactiveness and mustering support.’”

Read more from CCX Media on the huge increase in demand seen by Nonin Medical as well as how MAA is helping them meet it.


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