Via University Enterprise Laboratories
“As you all know the Coronavirus COVID19 pandemic is an extremely fluid situation. As a member of the BARDA/DRIVe accelerator network we are frequently receiving updates – sometimes multiple times in a day. Today’s communication is considerable, so rather than sharing it in pieces and perhaps confusing the messages, we have decided to share it in totality. The following is written by BARDA/DRIVe:”
- “Here are some brand new updates regarding BARDA’s response to COVID-19 and new opportunities to partner with BARDA. Specifically — we have released several new Area of Interest topics related to COVID-19 for both the BARDA BAA and the DRIVe EZ-BAA. (Please note any submissions to either BAA that are other than those in support of COVID-19, will be put into a queue. Once the response to COVID-19 has subsided, we will resume normal review of submissions for other research areas of interests.)”
See more topics from BARDA through UEL
The Medical Alley Association is providing COVID-19 related information, including the “COVID-19 Resource Connect” feature on its website and summaries of laws, executive orders, and government programs that may be of interest to members, as a public service. The Medical Alley Association makes no representations, guarantees, or warranties as to the accuracy, completeness, currency, or suitability of the COVID-19 related information provided by the Medical Alley Association on its website, in newsletters, or in any other communications. The Medical Alley Association specifically disclaims any and all liability for any claims or damages that may result from providing COVID-19 related information online or in other communications or linking to third party websites or other sources of information. The Medical Alley Association makes no effort to independently verify, and does not exert editorial control over, information provided by third parties.
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