Via Bloomberg Law
“The complaint is the latest in a volley of trademark infringement claims filed by 3M targeting companies for engaging in N95 price gouging during the Covid-19 crisis. 3M has also sued alleged price gougers in New York, California, Texas, and Florida.”
“3M said Scott Patella, a registered agent of Hulomil LLC, contacted Wisconsin’s Department of Administration offering a minimum of 250,000 N95 masks at the ‘grossly inflated’ price of $3.75 per mask, which 3M says is 250 to 350% above its list price. Patella allegedly told the department he had ‘direct access’ to 3M, and promised to eliminate ‘multiple middle men’ from the deal.”
Get details on 3M Co. v. Hulomil LLC, W.D. Wis. from Bloomberg Law
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