U Deliver Medical Partners With Nestlé HealthScience to Help Patients on Ventilators

May 8  

Via U Deliver Medical

While the shortage of ventilators because of COVID-19 has been well publicized, the secondary effects of the number of patients needing supplemental oxygen has not. But the need for innovative solutions to those problems is every bit as pressing.

For example, patients on ventilators usually need to be on feeding tubes as well, which has created a need for tube feeding nutrition products and pumps. To help fill this gap, Nestlé HealthScience reached out to Medical Alley startup U Deliver Medical, which makes tube feeding nutrition delivery products for patients to use in their home.

“We never planned to sell the bFed System products in hospitals but due to COVID-19 our products are used in Cleveland Clinic hospitals, MD Anderson, Memorial Hermann, Tucson Medical Center and other hospitals to solve a problem none of us expected,” said Brian Johnson, president and cofounder of U Deliver Medical.

See a guide produced by Nestlé HealthScience that illustrates how to use the U Deliver Medical system below:



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