Let’s Talk About You: COVID-19 Self-Care Tips for Caregivers

May 15  

Via McKnight’s Long-Term Care News

“Providing care for an older adult with a chronic illness or a disabling condition can provide a sense of fulfillment, meaning and purpose. Unfortunately, along with fulfillment, research shows caregiving is also associated with elevated levels of depression and anxiety, higher use of psychoactive medications and compromised immune function. And over half (53%) of caregivers indicate that a decline in their health compromises their ability to provide care.”

“Now, with the COVID-19 pandemic, caregivers find themselves working beyond their limits to provide care and stay connected with patients and their loved ones in a time when traditional, face-to-face care is prohibited. Functioning in these conditions can cause caregivers to wonder:”

  • Am I keeping the elders I care for safe?
  • Am I keeping myself safe?
  • Am I keeping my own family safe?

“Most people would agree that this is a defining moment in our lives and caregivers, in particular, are stepping up to serve humanity.”

Read more from GrandPad Chief Gerontologist Dr. Kerry Burnight on how caregivers can practice self-care during these incredibly stressful times.


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