3M’s complicated road to enough N95 capacity took many hands

April 27  

Via Star Tribune

“As the coronavirus mushroomed across the rest of the world, a global shortage of N95s would develop and test 3M like nothing else in its 118-year history.”

“Entering the year, only 15% of 3M’s N95s were made for health care customers. Not even four months later, it’s now 90%. That “flip” was done at the same time 3M raced to quadruple production rates, said Denise Rutherford, 3M’s senior vice president for corporate affairs.”

“The dash to ramp up production involved opening idled production lines and finding factory workers to get them going. It meant overcoming regulatory and trade barriers, changing supply chains on the fly and reconfiguring its distribution.”

See how 3M was able to expand production so quickly and why there will likely be case studies about their successful response from the Star Tribune


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